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Updated: Jul 29, 2021

Folkhälsomyndighet is the Swedish authority managing the Coronavirus outbreak, the 'Public Health Agency of Sweden' in English.

The following is links to FHM recommendations to ensure we can get back to netball as quickly as possible but in the safest possible manner, including the recommendations in regards to sports;


  • Wash your hands frequently

  • Cough and sneeze into your elbow

  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth

  • Stay home when you're sick

  • Use hand sanitizer

From the 15th of July, 2021 specific restrictions on indoor sports facilities open to the public have been relaxed. Den nya pandemilagen gäller från 10 januari 2021. Vad innebär den för idrotten? - Riksidrottsförbundet

From the 1st of July, 2021 the number of participants allowed for outdoor sports was increased, including spectators. Anpassning av restriktioner från 1 juli -

From the 1st of June, 2021 FHMs 5 step plan for wind down of restrictions began. From the 1st of June 2021 outdoor matches and competitions are allowed for adults in Sweden!! Regeringens plan för avveckling av restriktioner -

From the 10th of January 2021 the 'pandemic law' came into play in Sweden. Den nya pandemilagen gäller från 10 januari 2021. Vad innebär den för idrotten? - Riksidrottsförbundet

From the 29th of October, 2020 it is now recommended to avoid sports requiring contact in Stockholm, Västra Götaland and Östergötland. However, this does not apply to sports trainings for children and youth born 2005 or later.

From the 27th of October, 2020 it is recommended to refrain from participating in sports trainings, matches and competitions, especially indoors, in Skåne lan.

From the 20th of October, 2020 residents in Uppsala Län are asked to avoid physical contact with people other than those they live with. This is relevant also to sports associations.

From the 14th of June, 2020 matches, trainings and competitions are allowed as long as these recommendations are followed;

  • play outdoors where possible

  • no gatherings of more than 50 people

  • limit spectators and avoid many people in small spaces

  • if you are sick even with mild symptoms leave the activity or stay home. Do not return until you are healthy for 2 days.

  • people over 70 years should avoid public spaces and decrease social contacts. They should not participate in indoor group activities.

  • where possible change clothes at home before and after training

  • do not share water bottles, facemasks or anything that can transfer saliva

  • disinfect equipment that is to be touched by many people, provide hand sanitiser to be used before touching shared equipment

  • make sure hand sanitiser is available and ensure good hand hygeine practices

When playing outdoors is not possible, in addition to the above;

  • limit the number of participants in activities

  • make sure there is clear signage of the recommendation to go home if sick and to maintain good hand hygeine

  • clean toilets and surfaces that many touch often

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